
        20006月毕业于四川大学轻纺与食品学院,获工学博士学位;20006—20026月在华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室作博士后研究;现在福州大学环境与资源学院工作。主要从事精细化学品合成、环境友好材料的研究与开发以及植物资源高值化利用方面的研究。已在国内外核心期刊上发表论文70多篇,其中被SCIEIISTP收录39篇,论文被他人引用80多次。已申请国家发明专利13项,其中已授权5项,同意授权3项,并先后主持或参加了国家863课题、国家九五攻关课题、国家自然科学基金等科研项目,出版专著2部。目前为《Journal of Applied Polymer Science》、《Journal of Colloid and Interface Science》、《JSLTC》、《Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly Journal》等国际核心刊物审稿专家以及《分析化学》、《感光科学与光化学》、《石油化工高等学校学报》等国内核心刊物的审稿专家,福建省造纸学会理事、福建省水利厅专家委员会委员、福建省青年联合会常务委员、福建省青年科学家联谊会会员。

  1. 高效球形纤维素吸附剂的清洁化制备及其作用机理研究,国家自然科学基金(项目编号:50203003),20032005,项目负责人

  2. 选择性球形木质素吸附树脂的制备及作用机理研究,福建省自然科学基金(项目编号:2006J0162),20062008,项目负责人

  3. 高性能多功能木质素吸附剂的研制及性能研究,教育部博士点专项基金(项目编号:2002173),20032005,项目负责人

  4. 高性能多功能木质素水处理剂的研究与应用,福建省青年科技人才创新基金(项目编号:2002J002),20032005,项目负责人

  5. 球形木质素基分子印迹聚合物的制备,福建省高等学校新世纪优秀人才支持计划,20072009,项目负责人

  6. 有机高分子絮凝剂成果转化研究,福建省发改委项目,20062008,项目负责人

  7. NMMO法制备高效球形纤维素吸附剂的研究,福建省教育厅项目(项目编号:JA03012),20032005,项目负责人

  8. 大孔球形纤维素吸附剂的清洁化制备及性能研究,中国博士后基金(项目编号:20070410238),20062008,项目负责人

  9. 高性能多功能木质素吸附剂的研制及作用机理研究,中科院广化所访问学者基金(项目编号:开-136)20032005,项目负责人

  10. 高效絮凝剂的研制及其在漂白废水处理中的应用,国家重点实验室基金项目(135-C13500),20002002,项目负责人

  11. 一种新型高效多功能絮凝剂的研制及其在制浆漂白废水中的应用,福州大学人才引进基金(项目编号:XJY0216),20022004,项目负责人

  12. 新型球形木质素吸附剂的研制及性能研究,福州大学科技发展基金(项目编号:2003-XQ-28),20032005,项目负责人

  13. 制浆黑液环保利用技术的研究,横向合作项目,20042006,项目负责人

  14. 水煤浆技术,横向合作项目,20062007,项目负责人

  15. 六价铁氧化还原协同Fenton作用去除水中藻毒素的效能与机制,国家自然科学基金(项目编号:50308006),20042006,第二主研

  16. 有毒有色造纸废水处理技术的研究,教育部重点科研项目(项目编号:[99]284)20002002,第二主研

  17. 草类纸浆无污染漂白技术的研究,国际合作项目(项目编号:135-B3 8290),20002003,第二主研

  18. 高效益清洁化制革生产技术的研究与实施,国家九五攻关课题(项目编号:85—513—01),19972000,子课题第一主研

  19. 海水及河口水中营养盐的自动监测,国家海洋863课题(项目编号:8638180901),19982000,子课题第三主研

二、著 作
  1. 刘明华编著. 有机高分子絮凝剂的制备及应用. 北京:化学工业出版社,2006(全书368千字)

  2. 刘明华编著. 水煤浆添加剂的制备及应用. 北京:化学工业出版社,2006(全书242千字)

  3. 刘明华主编. 环境教育. 高中学生专题教育读本(一、二年级上下册). 福州:福建少年儿童出版社,20048月出版(全书约400千字)

1.       Minghua Liu, Shunan Hong, Huaiyu Zhang, et al. Adsorption/Desorption Behavior between a Novel
Amphoteric Granular Lignin Adsorbent and Reactive Red K-3B in Aqueous Solutions. Journal of
Environmental Sciences, 2005, 17 (2):212-214
2.       Minghua Liu, Yun Deng. Adsorption of L- Arginine from Aqueous Solutions on Spherical Sulfonic
Lignin Adsorbent. American Laboratory, 2006, (January): 18
20-22 (SCIEI)
3.       Minghua Liu, Jianhui Huang, Yun Deng. Removal and recovery of cationic dyes from aqueous solutions using spherical sulfonic lignin adsorbent. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2006 1014):2284-2291(SCIEI)
4.       Minghua Liu, Hualong Zhou, Huaiyu Zhang. Recovery of chromium() from chrome tanning wastewater by precipitation and adsorption processes. JSLTC, 2006905):183-187(SCIEI)
5.       Minghua Liu, Jianhui Huang. Adsorption behaviors of L- arginine from aqueous solutions on a spherical cellulose adsorbent containing the sulfonic group. Bioresource Technology, 2007985):1144-1148 (SCIEI)
6.       Minghua Liu, Xinshen Zhang, Yun Deng and Weiguo Liu.  Removal and recovery of Chromium () from Aqueous Solutions by a Spheroidal Cellulose Adsorbent.  Water Environment Research, 2001,73(3): 322-328(SCIEI)
7.       Minghua Liu, Xinshen Zhang.  Automatic On-line Determination of Trace Chromium() Ion in Chromium()-bearing Samples by Reverse Adsorption Process. JSLTC, 2002,86:1-5(SCIEI)
8.       Minghua Liu, YunDeng, Huaiyu Zhan, Xinshen Zhang.  Adsorption and Desorption of Copper() from Solutions on A New Spherical Cellulose Adsorbent  J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2002, 84: 478-485(SCIEI)
9.       Zongcai Feng, Minghua Liu, Yuechuan Wang, Lin Zhao. Preparation of hyperbranched polyester photoresists for miniaturized optics. J. Appl. Polym. Sci, 2004, 92: 1259-1263. (SCIEI)
10.   Hualong Zhou, Minghua Liu, et al. Thorough research on the oil-tanning mechanism with the alkyl sulfonyl chloride. JSLTC, 2005:149-152 (SCI, EI)
11.   Hualong Zhou, Minghua Liu, Junshu Zhang.  Characterization of Peroxide Value in Natural Oils and Fats by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy.  JSLTC, 2002, 86:153-156(SCI, EI)
12.   Minghua Liu, Huaiyu Zhan, Junshu Zhang, Yun Deng and Xinshen Zhang. Enrichment of Trace Amounts of Copper () and Lead () with A New Concentration Column Filling.  J. SCUT, 2001, (10): 98-102 (EI)
13.   Minghua Liu, Huaiyu Zhan, Qianjun Liu and Fangeng Chen. Preparation and Characteristics of A Novel Amphoteric Granular Lignin Adsorbent. 2nd International Pulp & Paper Conference, Oct. 15,2002, Guangzhou, China (ISTP)
14.   Yan Yurong, Zhao Yaoming, Liu Minghua. Influence of ethylene vinyl acetate on the spinnability and mechanical properties of poly (propylene)/zeolite-ag blend fibers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2005, 96 (4): 1460-1466 (SCI, EI)
15.   Liu Ming-huaHong Shu-nan, Huang Jian-hui, Ye Qing, LiuQian-jun. Adsorption Behavior of Reactive Turquoise Blue KN-G in Aqueous Solutions on a Novel Spherical Lignin- based Adsorbent. Acta Scientiarum Natralium Universitatis Sunyatseni200544S2):1-6 (EI)
16.   Xinshen Zhang, Xiaoping Jiang, Minghua Liu. Low Pressure Ion Chromatography in Complex Chemistry. JSLTC, 20018516-18 (SCI, EI)
17.   Xiaoping Jiang, Xinshen Zhang, Minghua Liu. Study on the Ultra-short Columns for Low-Pressure Ion Chromatography. J. Chromatogr. A1999, 857: 175-181 (SCI, EI)
18.   Xinshen Zhang, Xiaoping Jiang, Minghua Liu and Ke Kuang. Analysis of Aluminum Content  in Aluminum Alloy Using Electrography and Flow Injection Analysis. American Laboratory, 1999, 31:26,28 (SCI, EI)
19.   Xinshen Zhang, Xiaoping Jiang, Minghua Liu and Yun Deng.  Determination of Trace Chromium () Ion in Chrome Tanning Agents by Flow Injection Analysis. JSLTC, 2001, 84: 255-257 (SCI,EI)
20.   Liu Qianjun, Liu Minghua, Zhan Huaiyu, Liu Menru. Study on the discoloration of simulating dye effluent with a kind of amphoteric lignin-based flocculan. Acta Scientiarum Natralium Universitatis Sunyatseni200544S2):22-25 (EI)
21.   Huanyu Zhan, Fan Juan, Minghua Liu. Synthesis and adsorption behavior of a novel granular lignin adsorbent. Appita Annual Conference, v 3, 59th Appita Annual Conference and Exhibition, incorporating the 13th ISWFPC: International Symposium on Wood, Fibre and Pulping Chemistry - Proceedings. Appita Conference Sessions, 2005, p 459-465 (EI)
22.   Baozhen Yue, Huaiyu Zhan, Qianjun Liu, Minghua Liu. Study on the preparation of amploteric lignin-based flocculant and its flocculation and decolorizing properties. Appita Annual Conference, v 3, 59th Appita Annual Conference and Exhibition, incorporating the 13th ISWFPC: International Symposium on Wood, Fibre and Pulping Chemistry - Proceedings. Appita Conference Sessions, 2005, p 445-449 (EI)
23.   刘明华,邹锦光,洪树楠等. 造纸黑液制备球形阳离子木质素吸附树脂. 环境科学,200526(5)120123(EI)
24.   刘明华,叶庆,黄杰. MA-AA-AM三元共聚物的阻垢性能. 石油化工高等学校学报,2006191):2527 (EI)
25.   刘明华,杨林,詹怀宇. 复合型改性木质素絮凝剂处理抗生素类化学制药废水的研究. 中国造纸学报,2006,2):31-35 (EI)
26.   庄曦,刘明华. 阳离子聚丙烯酰胺微乳液的制备及其絮凝性能研究. 西安石油大学学报,2005206):49-52(EI)
27.   余敏,刘明华,黄建辉. MA-AA-MAS三元共聚物的制备及其阻垢性能研究. 西安石油大学学报,2005206):56-58(EI)
28.   余敏,刘明华,黄建辉. MA-AA-MAS三元共聚物的阻垢性能研究. 西南石油学院学报,2005276):65-67 (EI)
29.   庄曦,刘明华,余敏. 两性型聚丙烯酰胺乳液的制备及其性能. 石油化工高等学校学报,2005183):394149 (EI)
30.   黄杰,刘明华. MA-AA-AM-SAMS四元共聚物阻垢剂的制备. 石油化工高等学校学报,2006192):1316 (EI)
31.   刘柏林,黄荣华,刘明华. 丙烯酰胺共聚物与表面活性剂复配体系研究. 西安石油学院学报,2000156):3032 (EI)
32.   刘明华,李翔,刘卫国,张新申.一种新型球型纤维素吸附剂的研制.精细化工,2001,18(7):401-404 (EI)
33.   郑福尔,刘明华,黄杰等. 一种球形木质素吸附剂吸附L-天门冬氨酸的性能研究. 中国造纸学报,2007221):8891 (EI)
34.   杨林,刘明华. 改性木质素除油絮凝剂处理含油废水的研究. 石油化工高等学校学报,2007202):91122 (EI)
35.   黄杰,刘明华.MA-AA-AM-SMAS四元共聚物的阻垢性能研究. 西南石油学院学报,2007292):117-121 (EI)
36.   范娟,詹怀宇,刘明华. 木质素基吸附材料的研究进展. 中国造纸学报,2004192):181187(EI)
37.   詹怀宇,刘千钧,刘明华. 两性木素絮凝剂的制备及其在污泥脱水的应用. 中国造纸,2005242):14-16(EI)
38.   范娟,詹怀宇,尹覃伟,刘明华. 球形木素基离子交换树脂的合成及基本性能. 中国造纸,2005245):18-22(EI)
39.   刘明华,张新申,蒋小萍.案件分析中的低压离子色谱法.石油化工高等学校学报,199912 (1) 26-28(EI)
1.       刘明华等. 有机高分子絮凝剂及其制备方法和在水处理中的应用. ZL 01127795.5, 2004
2.       刘明华等. 有机无机复合型絮凝剂及其生产方法. ZL 01108579.72005
3.       刘明华等. 程序升温和交联固化的反相悬浮技术制备球形木质素珠体的方法. ZL 03128244.X2005
4.       刘明华等. 大孔交联球形纤维素珠体及其清洁化喷射法制备工艺.ZL 03118968.72005
5.       刘明华等. 交联球形再生纤维素珠体及程序降温反相悬浮技术的清洁化制备方法. ZL 03118969.52005
6.       刘明华等. 氨基磺酸盐复合型高效减水剂及其酸碱分步聚合制备方法. ZL 200410014922.42007
7.       刘明华等. 两亲型水煤浆添加剂及其制备方法. ZL 200410014921.X2007
8.       刘明华等. 一种利用制浆黑液制备木质素磺酸钠减水剂的方法. ZL 200410044834.92007
  1. 2007年获福州大学挑战杯科技创新活动先进工作者称号;

  2. 2006年获第七届福建省十大杰出青年称号;

  3. 2006年获福建省新长征突击手标兵称号(科研类);

  4. 2006年获华南理工大学十佳优秀博士后称号;

  5. 2005年获福建省九三学社先进个人称号;

  6. 2004年获福州大学十佳青年教职工称号;

  7. 2004年获福州大学民族党派十佳称号;

  8. 2003年被评为福州大学2002年度优秀科技工作者;

   校级本科生精品课程:《水污染控制工程》( 20062008 )负责人
Name: Minghua Liu
Position: Professor, College of Environment and Resource, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350002, Fujian, P. R. China
Place of birth: Putian, Fujian, P. R. China
Date of birth:  September, 1970
Home address:  Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, Fujian, P.R. China
Degree: Ph.D.
Correspondence address: College of Environment and Resources, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, Fujian, P. R. China
Telephone: 0086-591-83755969(H)
Fax:  0086-0591-22866070
Primary research projects include the preparation of fine chemicals and environmental benign materials as well as their applications. The current main areas of research include:
  1. Synthesis of fine chemicals including water treatment agents, additives of coal-water slurry, water reducing agents, dyeing and printing agents and pulping chemicals etc.;

  2. Preparation of environmental benign materials and their applications;

  3. Preparation of high-value products with the plant resources.

Recently in charge of the following projects:
1.         Clean preparation of high-performance spherical cellulose adsorbents and their action mechanism research, funded by the National Nature Science Foundation of China, 20032005.
2.         Preparation of spherical lignin adsorbents with high choice and their action mechanism research, funded by the Fujian Bureau of Science and Technology, 20062008.
3.         Preparation of high-performance and multifunction lignin adsorbents and their performance research, funded by the Ministry of Education of China, 20032005.
4.         Preparation of high-performance and multifunction lignin-based water treatment agents and their application research, Funded by the young scientists and innovation foundation of Fujian province, 20032005.
5.         Preparation of spherical lignin molecular imprinted polymers, funded by College new century talents support scheme of Fujian province20072009.
6.         Research on the production of a new organic high-molecular flocculant, funded by Development and Reform Commission of Fujian Province20062008.
7.         Research on the preparation of high-performance spherical cellulose adsorbents by NMMO process,funded by Fujian Bureau of Education, 20032005.
8.         Clean preparation of spherical macroporous cellulose adsorbent and their performance research, funded by postdoctoral foundation of China, 20062008.
9.         Preparation of high-performance and multifunction lignin adsorbents and their action mechanism research, a project widely visited by scholars funded by the Chinese Academy of Sciences20032005.
10.     Preparation of a high-performance floccualnt and its application in the treatment of bleaching effluent, a project funded by National Key Laboratory, 20002002.
11.     Preparation of a new high-performance multifunction flocculant and its application in the treatment of pulping bleaching effluent, funded by Fuzhou University, 20022004.
12.     Preparation of a new spherical lignin adsorbent and its performance research, funded by the Technology Development Fundation of Fuzhou University, 20032005.
1. Minghua Liu. Preparation of Organic High-Molecular Flocculants and Their Applications. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2006.
2. Minghua Liu. Preparation of Additives of Coal Water Slurry and Their Applications. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2006.
Papers extracted by SCI and EI:
1.     Minghua Liu, Shunan Hong, Huaiyu Zhang, et al. Adsorption/Desorption Behavior between a Novel Amphoteric Granular Lignin Adsorbent and Reactive Red K-3B in Aqueous Solutions. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2005, 17 (2):212-214 (SCIEI)
2.     Minghua Liu, Yun Deng. Adsorption of L- Arginine from Aqueous Solutions on Spherical Sulfonic Lignin Adsorbent. American Laboratory, 2006, (January): 1820-22 (SCIEI)
3.     Minghua Liu, Jianhui Huang, Yun Deng. Removal and recovery of cationic dyes from aqueous solutions using spherical sulfonic lignin adsorbent. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2006 1014):2284-2291(SCIEI)
4.     Minghua Liu, Hualong Zhou, Huaiyu Zhang. Recovery of chromium() from chrome tanning wastewater by precipitation and adsorption processes. JSLTC, 2006905):183-187(SCIEI)
5.     Minghua Liu, Jianhui Huang. Adsorption behaviors of L- arginine from aqueous solutions on a spherical cellulose adsorbent containing the sulfonic group. Bioresource Technology, 2007985):1144-1148 (SCIEI)
6.     Minghua Liu, Xinshen Zhang, Yun Deng and Weiguo Liu.  Removal and recovery of Chromium () from Aqueous Solutions by a Spheroidal Cellulose Adsorbent.  Water Environment Research, 2001,73(3): 322-328(SCIEI)
7.     Minghua Liu, Xinshen Zhang.  Automatic On-line Determination of Trace Chromium() Ion in Chromium()-bearing Samples by Reverse Adsorption Process. JSLTC, 2002,86:1-5(SCIEI)
8.     Minghua Liu, YunDeng, Huaiyu Zhan, Xinshen Zhang.  Adsorption and Desorption of Copper() from Solutions on A New Spherical Cellulose Adsorbent  J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2002, 84: 478-485(SCIEI)
9.     Zongcai Feng, Minghua Liu, Yuechuan Wang, Lin Zhao. Preparation of hyperbranched polyester photoresists for miniaturized optics. J. Appl. Polym. Sci, 2004, 92: 1259-1263. (SCIEI)
10. Hualong Zhou, Minghua Liu, et al. Thorough research on the oil-tanning mechanism with the alkyl sulfonyl chloride. JSLTC, 2005:149-152 (SCI, EI)
11. Hualong Zhou, Minghua Liu, Junshu Zhang.  Characterization of Peroxide Value in Natural Oils and Fats by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy.  JSLTC, 2002, 86:153-156(SCI, EI)
12. Minghua Liu, Huaiyu Zhan, Junshu Zhang, Yun Deng and Xinshen Zhang. Enrichment of Trace Amounts of Copper () and Lead () with A New Concentration Column Filling.  J. SCUT, 2001, (10): 98-102 (EI)
13. Minghua Liu, Huaiyu Zhan, Qianjun Liu and Fangeng Chen. Preparation and Characteristics of A Novel Amphoteric Granular Lignin Adsorbent. 2nd International Pulp & Paper Conference, Oct. 15, 2002, Guangzhou, China (ISTP)
14. Yan Yurong, Zhao Yaoming, Liu Minghua. Influence of ethylene vinyl acetate on the spinnability and mechanical properties of poly (propylene)/zeolite-ag blend fibers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2005, 96 (4): 1460-1466 (SCI, EI)
15. Liu Ming-huaHong Shu-nan, Huang Jian-hui, Ye Qing, LiuQian-jun. Adsorption Behavior of Reactive Turquoise Blue KN-G in Aqueous Solutions on a Novel Spherical Lignin- based Adsorbent. Acta Scientiarum Natralium Universitatis Sunyatseni200544S2):1-6 (EI)
16. Xinshen Zhang, Xiaoping Jiang, Minghua Liu. Low Pressure Ion Chromatography in Complex Chemistry. JSLTC, 20018516-18 (SCI, EI)
17. Xiaoping Jiang, Xinshen Zhang, Minghua Liu. Study on the Ultra-short Columns for Low-Pressure Ion Chromatography. J. Chromatogr. A1999, 857: 175-181 (SCI, EI)
18. Xinshen Zhang, Xiaoping Jiang, Minghua Liu and Ke Kuang. Analysis of Aluminum Content  in Aluminum Alloy Using Electrography and Flow Injection Analysis. American Laboratory, 1999, 31:26,28 (SCI, EI)
19. Xinshen Zhang, Xiaoping Jiang, Minghua Liu and Yun Deng.  Determination of Trace Chromium () Ion in Chrome Tanning Agents by Flow Injection Analysis. JSLTC, 2001, 84: 255-257 (SCI,EI)
20. Liu Qianjun, Liu Minghua, Zhan Huaiyu, Liu Menru. Study on the discoloration of simulating dye effluent with a kind of amphoteric lignin-based flocculan. Acta Scientiarum Natralium Universitatis Sunyatseni200544S2):22-25 (EI)
21. Huanyu Zhan, Fan Juan, Minghua Liu. Synthesis and adsorption behavior of a novel granular lignin adsorbent. Appita Annual Conference, v 3, 59th Appita Annual Conference and Exhibition, incorporating the 13th ISWFPC: International Symposium on Wood, Fibre and Pulping Chemistry - Proceedings. Appita Conference Sessions, 2005, p 459-465 (EI)
22. Baozhen Yue, Huaiyu Zhan, Qianjun Liu, Minghua Liu. Study on the preparation of amploteric lignin-based flocculant and its flocculation and decolorizing properties. Appita Annual Conference, v 3, 59th Appita Annual Conference and Exhibition, incorporating the 13th ISWFPC: International Symposium on Wood, Fibre and Pulping Chemistry - Proceedings. Appita Conference Sessions, 2005, p 445-449 (EI)
1.    Minghua Liu, et al. A high-molecular flocculant and its preparation method and its application in the water treatment. CN 01127795.5, 2004
2.    Minghua Liu, et al. An organic and inorganic compounded flocculant and its production method. CN 01108579.72005
3.    Minghua Liu, et al. A preparation method of spherical lignin beads by sequential temperature rising and cross-link solidification. CN 03128244.X2005
4.    Minghua Liu, et al. Macroporous cross-linked spherical cellulose beads and their preparation procedures of clean spraying. CN  03118968.72005
5.    Minghua Liu, et al. Cross-linked spherical regenerated cellulose beads and their preparation methods by adopting programmable cooling and inverse-phase suspension techniques. CN 03118969.52005
6.    Minghua Liu, et al. A high-performance compounded superplasticizer of amino sulphonate and its preparation procedure by adopting acid and alkali stepping polymerization. CN 200410014922.42007
7.    Minghua Liu, et al. An amphiphilic additive of coal water slurry and its preparation method. 200410014921.X2007
8.    Minghua Liu, et al. A preparation method of sodium lignosulphonate superplasticizer by adopting the pulping black liquor as raw material. 200410044834.92007
The courses currently taught for master and bachelor students are as follows:
1.       Water Pollution Control Engineering;
2.       Preparation of Water Treatment Agents and Their Applications;
3.       Preparation of Environmental Benign Agents and Their Applications;
4.       Professional English.